Join TeamDALLY
Benefits of being a member of TeamDALLY
- Discounted entry fees for DAQ Official Events - Championship Show / Open Show / Lure Coursing
- Receive our regular communications
- Access to the DAQ Member only facebook group
- Linked into the Queensland network of Dalmatian Experts
- Opportunity to advance the breed through the National Dalmatian Council
- Contribute to decision making for the advancement of the breed
- Able to compete in DAQ pointscore competitions
- Help organise exciting events to promote our breed to the general public
- Have voting rights# at meetings and AGM
- Have the opportunity to be elected to the Executive Committee
Memberships Fees:
- Social $5*
- Single $25
- Family $30
- Interstate $25
*The Social category is available to new members only and is valid for the year of joining. Social members will then be invited to renew their membership to the Single or Family category. This category would suit a person who has recently purchased/rescued a Dalmatian.
#Members who wish to nominate for a position or vote at the AGM must have been a financial member prior to 1 September of the previous year.
Please contact us for more information and to obtain an application form.
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
- Please contact the Secretary to obtain bank details for transfer of payment.
- New membership applications will be presented at the next available Committee Meeting.
- Membership fees are due and payable when approved by the Committee.
- A membership year is 1 January to 31 December.
- Renewals are forwarded to members in December of each year.
- A half price membership rate will be applicable to those joining after 1 September each year.